Facilitation of practical realization of entrepreneurship development programs by establishing and supporting the activity of business incubators, technology parks, support centers for entrepreneurship and other innovation type structures.

There are 58 legal entities and 110 individuals in the Association, including 7 foreign members. These are entrepreneurship development assistance structures in all regions of Ukraine, officials from small and medium business support structures, successful entrepreneurs, scientists and foreign consultants.

UBICA has practical experience in establishment and development of business incubators and entrepreneurship support centers in Ukraine, comprehensive international contacts, experience in organizing and carrying out conferences and seminars at the international level.

The Association has long experience in organizing and conducting trainings. The training center of UBICA has more than 60 skilled trainers, 23 of which have received international accreditation. Over 35 training programs have been developed for SME and NGO sectors.

The Association has worked out and implemented the model of network cooperation among Association's members as well as monitoring activity of business incubators and entrepreneurship support centers. Up-to-date level of organizational and financial management of UBICA was confirmed by auditing check-up.

Over  the period of the Association activity there have been realized projects to the amount exceeding 820 thousand USD with financial support of International Foundation for  Social Adaptation, International Renaissance Foundation, within the programs of Open Society Institute, International Fund "Eurasia".

Within the Association programs, aimed at establishment and development business support structures financial and methodic assistance has been rendered  to more than 20 projects in 17 regions of Ukraine. The  training of more than 200 representatives and staff of entrepreneurship support structures has been organized and conducted. Leading specialists from Poland, Germany, France, USA, Belgium and Luxemburg were involved in the training process. 60 persons received traineeship and education in the USA, Poland, Germany, France and China.


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