BIANYS Advocacy & Lobby Day January 22-23, 2024

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Advocate for continued funding for New York State's Incubators, Accelerators, and Innovation Ecosystem
1.) Meet with legislators to advocate for increased funding for 10 Regional Hotspot Programs and New York State Certified Incubators.
2.) Network with BIANYS Members, state-wide officials, and other economic development professionals from across New York State.
3.) Learn about other New York State funding opportunities in the start-up innovation ecosystem.
Please join us for a Legislative Reception. Monday January 22, 2024 | 5:30PM-7PM Bull Moose Club:150 State St. 4th floor, Albany, NY 1220
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BIANYS Legislative Reception Monday January 22, 2024

22 1 24 2Advocate for continued funding for New York State's Incubators, Accelerators, and Innovation Ecosystem
1.) Meet with legislators to advocate for increased funding for 10 Regional Hotspot Programs and New York State Certified Incubators.
2.) Network with BIANYS Members, state-wide officials, and other economic development professionals from across New York State.
3.) Learn about other New York State funding opportunities in the start-up innovation ecosystem.
Interested in becoming more involved with BIANYS?
Join one of our Committees!
- Programming & Education  - Legislative  - Membership
- Finance  - Governance  - Business Development

BIANYS + FuzeHub Webinar: Jeff Lawrence Innovation Fund

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Join Marc Alessi and Patty Rechberger in a discussion about The Jeff Lawrence Innovation Fund. The Fund supports a set of activities designed to spur technology development and commercialization across New York State.
Launched in 2016, the fund is named for Jeff Lawrence, a champion of the New York manufacturing and entrepreneurial communities.
Providing $1M+ annually, the Innovation Fund comprises three program tracks:
- Manufacturing Grants
- Commercialization Competition
- Innovation Challenge

The 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting of the Business Incubator Association of New York State

About this event
Each year the membership of the Business Incubator Association of New York State (BIANYS) holds their Annual Meeting to share best practices, get updates on incubation, and elect their Board of Directors. There is always a public portion of the meeting for anyone interested in incubation or the startup innovation economy, this meeting is a great way to network and get a better understanding of the ever changing trends in the startup innovation ecosystem of New York. At the end of the public portion of the Meeting, their is a members only portion of the meeting where members discuss policies, by laws, and hold a vote for 3 out of the 9 board seats that come up on a rotating basis

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 SPICE Update 132
